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Consortium meeting 2013

Solstrand, September 12-13, 2013

Preliminary agenda

Thursday September 12

12:00 Arrival and Lunch

13:00 Introduction: main results and challenges so far (Koenraad De Smedt, UiB)

  • Presentation round
  • Establishment of centers
  • Description and licensing of resources and tools
  • Use cases and target audience
  • Participation in CLARIN ERIC

13:30 Invited talk: Scott Rettberg (UiB) on ELMCIP

14:00 WP1 Centres Setup and WP3 Trusted Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure:

  • Lindat copy at UiB (demo, Øyvind Gjesdal, UiB)
  • AAI in INESS (demo, Paul Meurer, Uni Computing)
  • Other centres

14:30 WP2 National Registry and Long-Term Archiving

15:00 Coffee/tea

15:20 WP4 Electronic Editions Platform with IDP

15:40 WP5 Glossa Integration

16:00 WP6 Corpuscle

  • Status (demo) and use cases (Paul Meurer, Uni Computing)

16:20 WP8 Language Analysis Portal and WP9 Tool adaptation

  • Status (demo) and use cases (Erik Velldal & Emanuele Lapponi, UiO)

16:50 WP10 Data and metadata adaptation

17:10 TROLLing (Leif Longva, UiT)

17:30 Coffee/tea and snack

19:30 Dinner

Friday September 13

9:00 WP7 Terminology Integration

9:20 WP11 Management and dissemination

  • Website, communication and dissemination
  • Participation in CLARIN activities

9:35 Feedback from Advisory Council and discussion

  • Intro on CLARIN governance (Bente Maegaard, UCPH)
  • Feedback on CLARINO status and comparison with other CLARIN projects (Advisory board)
  • General discussion

10:45 Coffee/tea

11:00 Future plans

  • Adjusted time plan
  • Inclusion of target audience and focus on use cases
  • Inclusion of new resources and tools within and outside of consortium
  • Plans for increased cooperation and knowledge exchange
  • Internal and external communication

11:50 Financial and reporting routines

  • Financial status and adjustments
  • Reporting

12:10 Agreement on new time plan, budget and further adjustments

12:30 Lunch

13:30 End of program