The CLARIN Annual Conference 2016 was held in Aix-en-Provence and drew a record number of participants. The photo shows two French delegates.
The CLARIN Annual Conference 2016 was held in Aix-en-Provence and drew a record number of participants. The photo shows two French delegates. The Nordic CLARIN Network is organizing a workshop in Bergen on November 9, 2016. A special theme at this workshop is language data and analysis for the Social and Political Sciences. On September 23, the LAP (Language Analysis Portal) was publicly launched at IFI, University of Oslo. On 1 – 2 September 2016, University of Bergen hosted a meeting between the CLARIN ERIC National Coordinators. Among the 19 participants were the National Coordinators of two of the three newest CLARIN ERIC members: Tamás Váradi from Hungary (to the left on the picture) and Jurgita Vaičenonienė from Lithuania (to the right). Prof. Koenraad De Smedt (coordinator of the CLARINO project) was interviewed by the University of Bergen. He stated, among other things, that the CLARIN infrastructure is essential to make language resources and tools available across Europe. Read the interview here. (The interview is in Norwegian.) The Research Council of Norway has appointed Hege Høsøien (head of Research and Dissemination at the National Library of Norway) as Norway’s official delegate to the General Assembly of CLARIN ERIC. CLARINO was invited to teach at the annual LingPhil Summer School, which took place at Sommerøya outside of Tromsø, Norway, May 29 – June 4. Koenraad De Smedt and Gunn Inger Lyse lectured, and the ph.d. students were given the practical assignment of sketching a data management plan relevant for their own research. CLARIN ERIC has an open position for its Director for User Involvement. “Camilla Stoltenberg mener datadeling er så viktig at hun kan tenke seg en nasjonal dataplan, etter inspirasjon fra Nasjonal transportplan. The Selected Papers from the CLARIN 2015 Annual Conference have been published at Linköping University Electronic Press. |