Related projects


Research data should be shared

The Research Council of Norway has for the first time issued a policy and guidelines for open access to publicly funded research data.

Read the report here. For infrastructure efforts, such as CLARIN, it is an important signal that the Research Council of Norway state that no other restrictions on the use for research purposes should apply than those following from confidentiality, privacy or ethical considerations. Hopefully, the new guidelines will encourage even more researchers to make their data available to the research community.

Consortium meeting 2014

20141201-DSC00452The CLARINO consortium meeting 2014 was successfully held in Tromsø on Dec. 1–2 with representatives from all consortium members and our important partner, the National Library of Norway.

NorStore seminar

UNINETT Sigma invites Norwegian researchers to the 1st NorStore Research Data Management training seminar in Oslo on Wednesday 7 January 2015.

TROLLing on video

Laura Janda informs us that the Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics/TROLLing now has a promotional video, explaining why linguists need a place to store and share their data and statistical code.

Nordic cooperation

The University of Copenhagen has been awarded a NordForsk grant for the promotion of Nordic cooperation in the context of CLARIN. The grant will be used mainly to organize Nordic workshops.

Dutch funding for CLARIN and DARIAH infrastructures

CLARIAH, a consortium of Humanities research institutes, is to receive a grant of 12 million euros from The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The grant will fund the development of a digital infrastructure that combines diverse data sets and software tools from various humanities’ disciplines, and to provide user-friendly tools to search through these data sets and make them searchable. Read the short article by Arwin van der Zwan.

LREC 2014

DSC03264Norge var godt representert på LREC 2014 i Reykjavik med 23 deltagere.

Sharing research data

A report commissioned by the Research Council of Norway finds that most researchers are willing to share their research data, but obstacles remain and incentives are needed.

Norsk veikart

CLARINO er nevnt blant 50 prosjekter på Forskningsrådets veikart for infrastruktur.

CLARIN call for papers

A call for papers is out for the 2014 CLARIN conference which will be held in The Netherlands from October 24 to 25, 2014.