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CLARIN 2014 papers published

The Selected papers from the CLARIN 2014 Conference have now been digitally published.

New CLARIN director

Franciska de Jong has been appointed as the Executive Director in CLARIN ERIC. She will start in this position from September 2015; at the same time Steven Krauwer will retire from this position.  Read on at the CLARIN website.

EEA agreement now includes ERIC

The EFTA countries (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and the EU have decided to incorporate the ERIC regulation in the EEA agreement. On May 21, 2015, the Norwegian parliament agreed by unanimous vote to this decision, cf. Vedtak 556 (2014-2015)Prop. 80 S (2014-2015), Innst. 270 S (2014-2015). This paves the way for Norway to become a full member of the CLARIN ERIC.

Named entities in the Nordic countries

20150610-IMG_1830marte20150610-IMG_1830bjarteMarte Horndalen Howlid (NRK; left) and Bjarte Johansen (UiB Infomedia; right) participated at a workshop on Named Entity Recognition (NER) organized at Helsinki on June 9–10, 2015 by the Nordic CLARIN Network. Applications of NER have a wide range, including for instance information extraction from unstructured text and anonymization of texts containing personal information.

CLARIN 2015: Call for Papers

CLARIN is happy to announce the 4th CLARIN Annual Conference and calls for the submission of papers.

The 4th CLARIN Annual Conference will be held in Wrocław, Poland. Participants will arrive on Wednesday, October 14, 2015, with committee meetings on Thursday and an opening plenary session on Thursday evening. There will be a full programme of papers, posters and demos on Friday and Saturday, with participants leaving on Sunday. A closed meeting of the Strategic Advisory Board will take place on the Sunday morning.

Participants in CLARINO and users of CLARINO results are encouraged to submit a paper!

CLARINO internal meeting in the metadata workgroup in Bergen, March 17. 2015

The CLARINO metadata workgroup is arranging a project-internal meeting in Bergen on 17 March 2015. The meeting will be devoted to discuss issues regarding the ongoing phase of testing CLARINO’s CMDI profiles and will plan towards publishing our profiles in the Component Registry.


Nasjonalbibliotekets skriftserie Biblioteca Nova har en utgave om Kunnskapsorganisering som inneholder en artikkel om CLARINO skrevet av Oddrun Ohren.

LAP explained

The META magazine (2014 No. 2, p. 25) has an article explaining the Language Analysis Portal (LAP) which is being built at the University of Oslo in the context of the CLARINO project.

CLARIN ERIC is hiring developers

CLARIN is working hard on the construction of its infrastructure. To maintain and enhance some of our central services, the CLARIN ERIC is hiring a Java developer and a Drupal/PHP developer. The application deadline is January 26, 2015.

The exact implementation of these positions is quite flexible: ranging from half-time to full-time. The persons in question could work at a CLARIN centre or via the CLARIN ERIC office (Utrecht or Nijmegen).

Vacancy for CLARIN director

Steven Krauwer has decided to step down as Executive Director of the CLARIN ERIC at the end of his term. Therefore the CLARIN ERIC is looking for a successor. This vacancy is announced on the CLARIN website and the deadline for applying  is now January 6, 2015. Please help us advertise this, and please think about good candidates and encourage them to apply!