Related projects


Oral history lives on

CLARIN-PLUS is organizing a Workshop on Exploring spoken word data in oral history archives. The event will take place in Oxford on April 18-19.

First CLARIN B Centre in Norway

The CLARINO Bergen Centre received its CLARIN B Centre certificate on Jan. 27, 2016. It is the first center in Norway that satisfies all technical criteria for full compatibility in CLARIN. The center provides a language resources repository as well as online services for treebanking (INESS), corpus exploration (Corpuscle) and metadata management (COMEDI).

DSA for Bergen repository

The CLARINO Bergen Repository, which is part of the CLARINO Bergen Centre, has been awarded the Data Seal of Approval (DSA).  Together with its other services at Bergen (INESS, Corpuscle and Comedi), the centre will now apply for CLARIN B-status.

General Assembly in Copenhagen

On 19 and 20 November 2015 the CLARIN ERIC General Assembly had its annual meeting in Copenhagen. CLARIN ERIC is growing quickly and currently has 17 members and one observer. Overall, the delegates agreed that the progress of CLARIN is impressive, and that it is in a good shape to meet the challenges of the coming years, when CLARIN according to the ESFRI roadmap leaves the construction phase and enters the utilisation phase. “We are not building one large factory, but rather a village”, said Steven Krauwer, until recently executive director of CLARIN.

Norwegian participation at CLARIN 2015

The CLARIN 2015 conference held in Wrocław, Poland, was attended by 135 participants. Authors working on CLARINO in Norway contributed to four of the presentations, which were well received.

INESS @ CLARINO Bergen Centre: Linguistically annotated text made available

On September 30, 2015, CLARINO gave a presentation at Infomedia (Social sciences) at University of Bergen. Gunn Inger Lyse, Koenraad De Smedt and Helge Dyvik presented CLARIN, CLARINO, the CLARINO Bergen Centre and in particular INESS (INfrastructure for the Exploration of Syntax and Semantics), an online service in the CLARINO Bergen Center, which offers services for syntactically analyzed corpora (treebanks). Helge Dyvik demonstrated the search interface in INESS.

CLARIN 2015 program and abstracts

The preparation of the CLARIN Annual Conference 2015 is well on its way. Room for participation is limited, but the program and the abstracts are published online.

Historical event in Nordic CLARIN

On October 4-5, 2015, a workshop on historical language resources and tools  was held by the Nordic CLARIN Network in Gothenburg. Tone Merete Bruvik (Arkivverket) and Robert Paulsen (UiB/Menota/Menotec) contributed from Norway.

Norway has become a full member

From October 1, 2015, Norway has officially become a full member of the CLARIN ERIC. For the past two years, Norway had been an observer.

CLARINO meeting Oslo: metadata workshop

On September 22, 2015, a metadata workshop will be held in Oslo (kindly hosted by the National Library of Norway). The metadata workshop is intended for the CLARINO partners that need to create metadata (we recommend at least one partner per institution).
The meeting will sketch the CMDI format recommended in CLARIN, present the CMDI profiles recommended by CLARINO for CLARINO partners and give a hands-on tutorial in how to make metadata with the metadata editor COMEDI, developed in CLARINO by Paul Meurer at Uni Research Computing. Click here to read the metadata workshop program.