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NCN Workshop, Bergen, 9 November 2016


Theme:  Language and Information in Social and Political Sciences Research
Place: Bergen, Norway
Time: 9 November 2016, 09:00 – 16:00.
Venue: Studentsenteret i Bergen, seminar room E.
Joint dinner: On Tuesday, 8 November at 19:00, you are cordially invited to a joint dinner at the Restaurant Spisekroken (see below)


Wednesday, November 9

09:00-9:05 Welcome (Koenraad De Smedt and Bamba Dione, University of Bergen)
09:05-9:35 Andrew Salway (Uni Research Computing, Bergen)
Mining “who said what, and when” in the Norwegian newspaper corpus
09:35-10:05 Martin G. Søyland and Emanuele Lapponi (University of Oslo)
Talk of Norway
10:05-10:35 Gisle Andersen (Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen)
Neologisms as political terms
10:35-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:30 Stefan Dahlberg and Sofia Axelsson (University of Gothenburg)
The Meaning of Democracy
11:30-12:00 Jiyoung Kim and Anja Bechmann(Digital Footprints Research Group, Aarhus University, Denmark)
Network size on Facebook groups: a cross-country comparative study between Denmark and South Korea
12:00-12:30 Zoltan Fazekas (University of Oslo), Sebastian Popa, H. Schmitt, Yannis Theocharis (University of Mannheim), Pablo Barbera (University of South California)
Talk is cheap: Selective Politicization of EU Dimension in the 2014 EP Elections
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Bjørn Høyland and Martin Søyland (University of Oslo)
Electoral Reform and Parliamentary Debates
14:00-14:30 Endre Tvinnereim (Uni Research Rokkansenteret, Bergen)
Death or taxes: Explaining what citizens associate with climate change in four countries
14:30-15:00 Dag Elgesem (University of Bergen) and Andrew Salway (Uni Research Computing)
Topically focused blog corpora as data in social science research
15:00-15:30 Marjoriikka Ylisiurua (University of Helsinki, Consumer society research centre)
Studying online health conversations as expression of consumer capabilities
15:30-15:45 Conclusion and Coffee



Travel, hotel accommodation, lunch (9 Nov) and dinner (8 Nov) will be funded for presenting participants from the Nordic countries, who should contact their national coordinator.
Other participants can be accepted at their own cost upon request (contact Koenraad De Smedt,
Travel: All participants must book their travel themselves (for presenting participants, the travel costs are reimbursed afterwards).
Accommodation: For presenting participants, CLARIN ERIC will book and pay your accommodation. A room is only guaranteed if you register by 11 Oct.


The taxis, as well as the airport bus, accept credit cards.

By taxi: ca 25-30 minutes to the city centre, costs ca. NOK 300-500, depending on traffic and time of day (evenings are more expensive).

By airport shuttle bus: Airport shuttle buses go every ten minutes most times of the day between the airport and the centre of town and takes about 25-30 minutes.
The bus driver announces every bus stop. (The attached map contains the Norwegian station names that will be announced by the bus driver for each location.)
Pre-payment is cheapest, there is a ticket automat when you reach the bus stop right outside the airport.

  • prepaid at automat: NOK 100.
  • payment in bus: NOK 115.
  • roundtrip ticket, prepaid: NOK 170.
  • roundtrip ticket, paid on bus: NOK 185.


On the link below, you will find a plotted map with relevant locations for the NCN Workshop.
Also, the corresponding map is attached as PDF here: map-NCN-workshop-Bergen.

The plotted items are as follows:

  • Venue (Studentsenteret, Parkveien 1, N-5007 Bergen)
  • Hotel Park Bergen (Harald Hårfagresgate 35, N-5007 Bergen)
  • 3 – 5. airport bus stops
    (Note that some of the airport shuttle bus stops only apply one direction, others apply both ways.)
  • 6 Restaurant Spisekroken


Hotel Park – Bergen
Address: Harald Hårfagresgate 35, N-5007 Bergen
T: +47 55 54 44 00
Cancellations or changes must be done by 1 November.

RESTAURANT (joint dinner)

Address: Klostergaten 8, N-5005 Bergen
T: +47 55 23 01 15