March 14–15, 2016. University of Oslo, Dept. of Informatics, Ole Johan Dahls hus, Gaustadalleén 23 B, Oslo.
Mouse over title to see the abstract.
Monday, March 14: seminar room SHELL (GA061456)
10:15 Coffee
10:45 Welcome
11:00 Andrew Salway: How to read 100,000+ concordance lines?
11:30 Leif-Jöran Olsson: You write what?
12:00 Lunch: cafeteria, mezzanine
13:00 Stephan Oepen, Emanuele Lapponi: LAP: The CLARINO Language Analysis Portal
13:30 Reijo Sund: Discussion forum posts as a secondary data source for social scientific research questions
14:00 Krista Lagus: Questions from social sciences in Suomi24 data analysis
14:30 Marjoriikka Ylisiurua: Social scientist experiences on large scale text data as research material
15:00 Coffee
15:30 Mitchell Seaton: CMDI 1.2 – Improvements in the CLARIN Component Metadata Infrastructure
16:00 Bart Jongejan: Three trainable lemmatizers, 25 languages
16:30 End / Steering committee meeting
19:30 Dinner: TBA
Tuesday, March 15: seminar room JAVA (GA062423)
9:15 Gunnar Eriksson, Rickard Domeij, Per-Anders Jande: SpeakingUp — Making spoken cultural heritage accessible for research
9:45 Costanza Navarretta: The adaptation of contemporary language resources for processing non-contemporary texts
10:15 Coffee
10:30 General discussion and future plans
11:00 End