Technical centres form the backbone of the European CLARIN infrastructure. Acquiring a centre status requires a certification process, and means that the centre is trusted as an important node in the CLARIN network.
CLARINO has 5 centres as of today:
- CLARINO Bergen centre: B-centre for storage, sharing and analysis of research data and K-centre: knowledge centre for syntactic tree banks
- CLARINO Text laboratory: C centre that provides access to a number of corpora through GLOSSA.
- Språkbanken Nasjonalbiblioteket: C-centre that provides metadata services, access to Norwegian language data and maintains a national catalogue of all language resources at the national nodes, which in turn is harvested by the international CLARIN resource catalogue Virtual Language Observatory
- Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing): C-centre. Delivers metadata to the national catalogue of language data.
- SIKT: K-senter (knowledge centre) for data management.
The full list of CLARIN centres can be found at the CLARIN pages, or click here.